LEGAL EAGLE: I'm worried that my ex-partner will continue harassing me

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being followed | Other 3rd Party
I separated from my partner a year ago following ongoing coercive control. Following our split, my child disclosed sexual abuse perpetrated by my partner. He subsequently breached bail conditions, though there had been no contact for a while and those conditions have now ended.

Recently, however, I bumped into him in the street and he tried talking to me. I ignored him and he kept following me until I eventually went home.

He is not the biological father but I am worried he will continue to harass me and my child. What can I do to protect us both?

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There are many things you can do to protect yourself and your child.

Depending on how recent the last incident was and whether there has been any further incidents of severe abuse, sometimes a warning letter, advising them not to continue, and if they did, that court proceedings may be issued, may help to keep your ex-partner away.

As long as you are financially eligible for Legal Help you can access this advice free of charge.

Should your ex-partner ignore the letter, and/or his behaviour begins to escalate, you may wish to seek a Court Order to protect yourself.

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A Non-Molestation Order can include preventing your ex-partner from contacting you either directly or indirectly.

If he does breach this Order once he has been served with such, he can be arrested for the breach and criminal proceedings may be issued.

In relation to your child, as he is not the biological father of your child, and thus unlikely to have Parental Responsibility, he would not be able to apply to court for an Order granting contact without also applying for leave to commence proceedings and Parental Responsibility.

PR will however only be granted to a step-parent if they are married to a biological parent.

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If you are concerned that your ex-partner presents an immediate risk of harm, you can apply for a Prohibited Steps Order.

To speak to a solicitor please phone Ben Hoare Bell Solicitors on 0191 565 3112 or email [email protected].

Visit for further information.