Two thirds of readers will opt for overseas holiday this year, poll finds

Home or away? What sort of holiday will you be taking this year?Home or away? What sort of holiday will you be taking this year?
Home or away? What sort of holiday will you be taking this year? | User (UGC)
Thousands of people booked their summer holidays over the first weekend of the year.

There are bargains to be had at the travel agents who have been doing a roaring trade in the last few days.

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So we asked our readers in our Facebook poll, is the climate crisis or economic uncertainty making many people consider a UK holiday, rather than a holiday abroad in sunnier climes?

At the time of writing 35% of those voting said they would choose to holiday at home, while 65% still want to travel abroad.

Helen Hindhaugh has an issue with the price of staying in this country. She fancies a trip abroad: “Mainly because I have found cheaper holidays abroad for me and my husband than staying in the UK.”

Dave Rutherford agreed with Helen, saying: “Trouble is, its just as costly here as abroad.”

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Graeme Collinson also sees things that way, saying: “Cheaper to go abroad.”

It doesn’t sound like John Carrick fancies staying in the UK. He said: “Mexico or Blackpool let me think about this one.”

Anthony Russell disagrees with the majority of environmental scientists. He said: “Climate crisis. Ha ha ha ha.”

But Topher Kii responded with: “So Australia is burning for no apparent reason?”