Campaign launched in Sunderland to raise awareness of 'superbug' threats

Members of the public had the oppotunity to fight a giant 'superbug' on the dayMembers of the public had the oppotunity to fight a giant 'superbug' on the day
Members of the public had the oppotunity to fight a giant 'superbug' on the day
To raise awareness of the growing issue of antibiotic resistance, health chiefs have launched the ‘Seriously’ campaign and invited the public to take on a giant superbug.

To launch the campaign in Sunderland and South Tyneside, Seriously Resistant took over Market Square to raise awareness of the issue of antibiotic resistance. To get people talking about the growing threat of the superbugs that are becoming resistance to antibiotics, the campaign team invited the public to come and fight a giant superbug in Sunderland city centre.

Those who visited Market Square on the day were able to do their bit by making a pledge to use antibiotics correctly – only when needed, and exactly as doctors prescribe, as well as fighting a superbug on a giant inflatable. Pledges collected throughout the day were attached to a pledge hedge, showing support from across the city.

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The overuse of antibiotics means that they’re becoming less effective and has led to the emergence of ‘superbugs’, strains of bacteria that have developed resistance to types of antibiotic. Each time you take antibiotics without consulting your doctor you could be increasing the chance of them not working in the future.

Claire Bradford, medical director at NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group said: “It is really important we take action now so that we can ensure antibiotics continue to work when we really need them. Using antibiotics at the wrong time will increase the risk of the development of superbugs. If your GP has prescribed you antibiotics, it’s important that you finish the full course, don’t save them for future use, and never share them with others.”

The event in Market Square aimed to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance and educate the public on how to take antibiotics correctly, in order to keep antibiotics working for future generations.

The campaign team will also be visiting six other locations throughout July to raise awareness of the issue and collect pledges from communities across Sunderland and South Tyneside.

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Residents of Sunderland and South Tyneside are encouraged to pledge to use antibiotics correctly. The future of antibiotics is in our hands.

Pledge online today to help keep antibiotics working by visiting